vendredi 12 août 2016


Rosacea carries a beautiful name, but it is a mortal enemy of beauty; because it distorts the appearance of the skin loses freshness and bright debut. It is true that it can not be cured of Rosacea is not contagious, but it can be controlled and the mitigation of his troubles through proper skin care.

A doctor dermatology German Ingo Hogt "The Rosary is a skin chronic inflammatory disease, it is usually associated with the emergence of nodules and pustules on the face, and often starts slowly through the emergence of a growing redness of the face, which is similar to plant roses bloom, hence the derivation of the Rosary name comes." He Hogt saying: "Despite the existence of a link with acne mainly, but Rosacea is independent of a disease in itself."
The German pharmaceutical Tonya iPhone xylene, that the causes of the Rosary was not scientifically clear until now, explaining: "It is the inflammation and rashes in the event of the Rosary to several reasons, excessive immune response might be them." In this case, nesting "follicular Aldoadh", which is naturally found in human skin, in greater numbers than usual.

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